Archive for January, 2010

Volunteer Profile: Spreading the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I’m doing a little braggin’ on one of the Heffys boys in the press…

Mike Farag
EntrepreneurMike Farag

Failure is not an option. It’s a statement Mike Farag, business owner, marketing consultant and YEK volunteer, takes to heart. In fact, the saying is the namesake for his marketing consulting company, FINAO, and it’s a positive, can-do attitude he instills in the YEK students he works with.

An entrepreneur at heart, Mike started two businesses, FINAO and Heffy’s BBQ Co., from the ground up and he didn’t stop there – he found a way to share his experiences with the next generation through YEK.

Mike began volunteering with YEK a year ago as a Business Plan Advisor. He worked with two different groups of students to help them think outside the box and refine their business goals. His claim to YEK fame? He coached two top-five winners, and one of his students received a scholarship to help her move toward her educational and business goals.

“Many students simply need a champion. They need a person in their lives that will challenge them to change their mindset, and encourage them when they have great ideas,” said Mike. “The most rewarding thing for me is watching the students accomplish their goals, and knowing I had a small role in their success.”

Mike’s advice for other area entrepreneurs – get involved and help foster entrepreneurism in the local community. By doing so you’ll share your skills and cultivate the best possible talent.

If you would like to connect with Mike, check out his LinkedIn profile.

If you are interested in learning how to volunteer with YEK, please visit us online.

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